NT Seminar UBC, Fall 2024
PIMS ESB 4133, usually on Fridays, 2pm
PIMS ESB 4133, usually on Fridays, 2pm
Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/9396078403?pwd=uD6PhmyITsV6zRioCOXydK1YTgDB0p.1 password: 004133
Title: Multivariate generalization of Christol's Theorem Abstract: Christol's theorem (1979), which sets ground for many interactions between theoretical computer science and number theory, characterizes the coefficients of a formal power series over a finite field of positive characteristic $p>0$ that satisfy an algebraic equation to be the sequences that can be generated by finite automata, that is, a finite-state machine takes the base-$p$ expansion of $n$ for each coefficient and gives the coefficient itself as output. Namely, a formal power series $\sum_{n\ge 0} f(n) t^n$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$ is algebraic over $\mathbb{F}_p(t)$ if and only if $f(n)$ is a $p$-automatic sequence. However, this characterization does not give the full algebraic closure of $\mathbb{F}_p(t)$. Later it was shown by Kedlaya (2006) that a description of the complete algebraic closure of $\mathbb{F}_p(t)$ can be given in terms of $p$-quasi-automatic generalized (Laurent) series. In fact, the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{F}_p(t)$ is precisely generalized Laurent series that are $p$-quasi-automatic. We will characterize elements in the algebraic closure of function fields over a field of positive characteristic via finite automata in the multivariate setting, extending Kedlaya's results. In particular, our aim is to give a description of the \textit{full algebraic closure} for \textit{multivariate} fraction fields of positive characteristic.
Title: Towards a notion of mesoscopy Abstract: Within the Langlands program, the theory of endoscopy concerns the transfer of distributions between a reductive group $G$ and $G'$, an endoscopic group of $G$. At the heart of Langlands' original study on Beyond Endoscopy is the notion of stable transfer between groups $G$ and $G'$, where $G'$ is no longer required to be an endoscopic group. Arthur referred to these as 'beyond endoscopic groups,' and which we call mesoscopic groups. In this talk I will introduce these ideas, the role they play in functoriality, and open problems that arise in their study. Time permitting, I will explain the role they play in refining the stable trace formula.
Clifton Cunningham Title: Problems arising (and some solutions) from Vogan's conception of the local Langlands correspondence Abstract: David Vogan's 1993 paper on the local Langlands correspondence showed that there are advantages to simultaneously considering representations of a p-adic group together with its pure inner forms. Combined with other insights, this opened the door to introducing ABV-packets for p-adic groups, which provide a vast generalization of A-packets, and also suggested questions about the structure of the category of perverse sheaves on a variety of certain Langlands parameters. In this talk we survey recent developments on these matters, including: ABV-packets for non-Arthur type Langlands parameters of GL(N); ABV-packets for unipotent representations of G(2); and comparing the category of perverse sheaves, above, with the Koszul dual of the corresponding generalized Steinberg representations. We will also discuss several problems not yet resolved that are on the horizon. Location: ESB 4133 (only)
Didier Lesesvre Note the time change: Friday 22nd, 12:30pm Title: Relation between low-lying zeros and central values Abstract: In practice, L-functions appear as generating functions encapsulating information about various objects, such as Galois representations, elliptic curves, arithmetic functions, modular forms, Maass forms, etc. Studying L-functions is therefore of utmost importance in number theory at large. Two of their attached data carry critical information: their zeros, which govern the distributional behavior of underlying objects; and their central values, which are related to invariants such as the class number of a field extension. We discuss a connection between low-lying zeros and central values of L-functions, in particular showing that results about the distribution of low-lying zeros (towards the density conjecture of Katz-Sarnak) implies results about the distribution of the central values (towards the normal distribution conjecture of Keating-Snaith). Even though we discuss this principle in general, we instanciate it in the case of modular forms in the level aspect to give a statement and explain the arguments of the proof. Location: Online
Title: The Ostrowski Quotient for a finite extension of number fields Abstract: For a number field $K$, the P\'olya group of $K$, denoted by $Po(K)$, is the subgroup of the ideal class group of $K$ generated by the classes of the products of maximal ideals of $K$ with the same norm. In this talk, after reviewing some results concerning $Po(K)$, I will generalize this notion to the relative P\'olya group $Po(K/F)$, for $K/F$ a finite extension of number fields. Accordingly, I will generalize some results in the literature about P\'olya groups to the relative case. Then, due to some essential observations, I will explain why we need to modify the notion of the relative P\'olya group to the Ostrowski quotient $Ost(K/F)$ to get a more 'accurate' generalization of $Po(K)$. The talk is based on a joint work with Ali Rajaei (Tarbiat Modares University) and Ehsan Shahoseini (Institute For Research In Fundamental Sciences).
Emily Quesada-Herrera
Title: On the vertical distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function Abstract: In 1973, assuming the Riemann hypothesis (RH), Montgomery studied the vertical distribution of zeta zeros, and conjectured that they behave like the eigenvalues of some random matrices. We will discuss some models for zeta zeros starting from the random matrix model but going beyond it and related questions, conjectures and results on statistical information on the zeros. In particular, assuming RH and a conjecture of Chan for how often gaps between zeros can be close to a fixed non-zero value, we will discuss our proof of a conjecture of Berry (1988) for the number variance of zeta zeros, in a regime where random matrix models alone do not accurately predict the actual behavior (based on joint work with Meghann Moriah Lugar and Micah B. Milinovich).
Title: Decomposition of cohomology classes in finite field extensions Abstract: Rost and Voevodsky proved the Bloch-Kato conjecture relating Milnor k-theory and Galois cohomology. It implies that if a field F contains a primitive pth root of unity, then the Galois cohomology ring of F with coefficients in the trivial F-module with p elements is generated by elements of degree one. In this talk, I will discuss a systematic approach to studying this phenomenon in finite field extensions via decomposition fields. This is joint work with Sunil Chebolu, Jan Minac, Cihan Okay, and Andrew Schultz.
Manish Patnaik Title: Borel—Serre type constructions for Loop Groups Abstract: (Joint work with Punya Satpathy) For a reductive group G, Borel and Serre introduced a compactification of a large class of arithmetic quotients of the symmetric space attached to G. After reviewing some aspects of their construction, we explain how to generalize it to the case when G is replaced by an infinite-dimensional analogue LG, the loop group of G. Along the way, we describe a partition of an arithmetic quotient of LG, inspired by the work of P.-H. Chaudouard for GL_n and related to earlier constructions of Harder-Narasimhan and Behrend.
Nicolas Dupré
Title: Homotopy classes of simple pro-p Iwahori-Hecke modules Abstract: Let G be a p-adic reductive group and k a field of characteristic p. The category Rep(G) of smooth k-linear representations is at the heart of the mod-p Langlands program. If we let I be a pro-p Iwahori subgroup of G, there is an associated convolution algebra H=k[I\G/I], called the pro-p Iwahori-Hecke algebra of G, that is well-understood. Taking I-invariants then defines a functor U from Rep(G) to the category Mod(H) of H-modules, which is expected to provide a strong relationship between the two categories. However, aside from small cases, the functor U fails to be exact and its behaviour remains quite mysterious. In earlier joint work with J. Kohlhaase, we used the language of model categories to study this situation. In that approach, one instead studies the interplay between certain associated homotopy categories of representations and H-modules. In this talk, I will give an overview of this new approach and describe when distinct simple (supersingular) H-modules can become homotopy equivalent to one another.